I didn't want to start my blog without first having some pictures to post. Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have finally mastered the art of transferring digital pictures to the modern computer (not really, we just finally found our thought-to-be-stolen digital camera the other day). I'm not really sure where to start this first post seeing as how I've been in Britain almost a month. I guess I'll just start small and build from there. I'll have the first entry dedicated to...
The Facts:
-I'm here with my girlfriend (her name is Erika if you didn't know) in London for the next 6 months... more like 5 months now.
-I'm doing an internship through Florida State University at an HIV centre (not the same as a clinic and yes, it's spelled correctly) called Positive East. After I'm done with this placement I'll have my much-anticipated Masters in SociaWork (anticipated the most by my parents probably - I'll finally be done with my 7-year stint at FSU).
-I live in West Kensington - which is a lesser version of the very poshSouth Kensington (i.e. cheaper but still a cool area). Erika and I share a very tiny flat on the top floor of a building that is about 50 yards from the tube station. We share our accommodation with one roommate who we have yet to meet. Apparently, he is in New Zealand...hopefully for a while. :)
-We're eating pretty well considering we're on a small budget and I've even been able to make it over to the famous Brick Lane for some spicy curries. I joined a gym too - it's a pretty nice one but very expensive...I think I'll only be able to afford this first month. Oh well.
-I haven't done much as far as travelling or tourist stuff...but I'm finally getting some free time lately and have been able to see at least a little bit of London. The next few weeks should be fun because I'll have more free time so expect some exciting posts! (I've got to get you people to come back, right?)
That's pretty much it. As the weeks go by I'll put up some more pictures that we've already taken and all that jazz. The people are nice, the weather is cold (but not too cold), and the pubs are really awesome. I haven't seen Lister from the show Red Dwarf yet (shout out to Gabe), but I'm keeping my eyes peeled. That about sums it up.
Have you seen Posh Spice yet?
So, where the heck did you find your camera? How could it hide in your luggage for a whole month? That's good news, though.
PS How's Erika's job?
Great intro!
I got excited when I read that you'd been to Brick Lane. I'm a real lover of Indian food, music, books, etc.. I am familiar with Brick Lane only because I read a book by that title about an immigrant Indian family trying to survive there. Isn't their food awesome? If you go back and have time, please take some pictures of this area, as I've only read about it and have trouble visualizing it.
Looking forward to future posts!
I love the Big B[r]en title. Maybe you could rename our blog something catchy and topical. Maybe something like The Axis of Evil & Gabriel. Just kidding, see I'm not very good. Anyway, thanks for the shout out, I look forward to reading about your life in this strange England (or is it Englande?).
While you are on the look out for Lister, keep your eyes peeled for Ricky Gervais. He's the talented pillock that starred in and wrote for the UK version of 'The Office.'
Ingrid, I also read Brick Lane a while back. We could cure that visualization problem if you'd fly over with me. You could take your own pictures.......
Bren, so glad to see your take on Britain. Has your roomie shown up yet?
Bren, go to Lincoln Inn Square (I think - something like that), near Holborn, just south of the British Museum (near Russell Square tube Station and a bit east of Tottenham Court Road) and visit Sir John Soane's Museum, even if you aren't a big museum fan. When you climb over an ancient Egyptian sarcophagus to get to an ancient Greek bust all in a pair of tiny townhouses lit by strategically placed tinted glass and mirrors, you'll see what I mean. (It's free.)
As for the job, is "Positive" really the best word to use in the name of an HIV Centre?
Heh, well Garrett I guess they didn't want anybody to mistake them for a place helping out HIV negative people.
As for everyone else - I'll take lots of pictures and visit all those places and try to make the vicarious living through me as great as possible! :)
Oh, and the digital camera fell in a dark corner of our first flatshare. Our old roommate found it (and luckily didn't sell it on Ebay).
Yeah mang, wtf else would they name it garrett? Hiv "maybe"... Hiv "just in case"...
Go bren... Count ur (I'm on the sidekick, lol, but guess I could have typed your) blessings.. Be ez...
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