Sunday, 11 March 2007


This weekend was a bit sad. Never have I been so close to wanting to leave this country and run home to my family.

My grandmother died last week and they buried her on Friday. I wanted so much to fly to Pennsylvania and be with my family but the cards were just stacked too high against me. I guess I just felt it would have been too much trouble to get there and now I'm kind of regretting my decision. It's so sad to know that my dad doesn't have any parents alive now and it's sad that I'll never get to see my Nanny again. She was a good woman with a good heart and she was always very nice to me. Her loving ways will never be forgotten.

I also experienced a loss of a different kind this weekend. It wasn't as devastating as the death of a family member but it was still damn stressful to deal with.

I had my passport stolen on Friday. To make matters worse, I had my drivers license, work visa, and birth certificate stolen as well. I had given these documents to Erika to scan at her work that day in order to complete my application for a British social worker certificate (I have to have this certification in order to work here more permanently). Unfortunately Erika's purse got stolen later that day (she's alright, don't worry) with all those delicate documents inside it (not to mention Erika's ipod, £100, and all her credit/debit cards). Overall, it was a pretty bad Friday.

It's Sunday now and we both feel better about everything now that we have our lives back on track a little bit. I'll go to the American Embassy tomorrow and hopefully get a new passport soon. Luckily, I have perfect scans of the documents so that should speed the process along.

I also talked to my mom, dad, and brother who all attended the funeral. It was nice to hear from them their thoughts on the ceremony. I don't feel quite as bad about not flying back as I did.

When it rains it pours, huh? Oh well, I guess when life throws something at you, you just have to deal with it in whatever way you can. I'm sure everyone will get through all this stuff and life will go on like it always has.


Anonymous said...

Well said.

Unknown said...

ditto anonymous... love you.. condolences..