So I'm traveling back to Florida in about 3 weeks to walk at my graduation (please come). I can't wait to go because the thought of visiting is really exciting! I'll get to see my parents and brothers and sisters and friends and everybody I haven't seen the whole semester. My favorite part will undoubtedly be telling all the cool and interesting stories I have to the locals because anything international always garners a little more enthusiasm. Also, I can wow everyone with my knowledge about pints and Chavs!
After thinking about all this and then reading the blog of my brother and sister-in-law (the latest entry is about moving - http://modaresibeal.blogspot.com/2007/04/dilemma.html), I am really considering moving back to the states as my best option once my work visa runs out over here in London (June 27th). Much to the dismay of my girlfriend, who really wants to stay, this option has been at the forefront of my mind for a little while now. I don't think I'd move back home anywhere in Florida though (for longer than a couple of months at least). I've been thinking a lot about California for some reason lately. I guess I am still in a sort of "adventure mode" and don't quite want to find that "perfect place to settle" yet. I do want to get a more permanent job, however, and NOT spend my days in a new place doing unpaid work or waiting tables. I'm up for any kind of social work job though.
I guess I'll just keep feeling my way through all this. I've made so many pros and cons lists (again, I just saw one on Gabe and Shirin's blog) I'm really getting sick of them. There seems to be no good way to make this decision so perhaps I'll just flip a coin. I guess we'll see...
My vote is for anywhere in the continental USA. That way I can drive to get you if shtf [My Toyota would have serious problems crossing the Atlantic]. There are plenty of adventures just waiting for you here. [These comments come from a purely selfish perspective]. Enki
Ditto. Also, you mentioned CAlifornia and Seattle. Remember that you can still passride TO California and Seattle (CO goes both places) but not BETWEEN California and Seattle. You'd have to buy that ticket. Gentlemen, start sending out those resumes. (Since it takes months to get hired sometimes.) Also, re above, the money you'd save by NOT living on the West coast could buy lots of tickets TO the west coast.
I vote for Austin. There are all sorts of things here to keep you entertained and occupied. Naked, gay guys walking around in thongs, art, theater,live music, festivals, movies, the great outdoors, many crazy and unfortunate people looking for guidance...something to think about. Plus it's cheaper than Cali.
Is there a sister I wasn't aware of? Your Mom
I vote for Austin over CA too! Then we could come visit you there! Actually, I love love love California, but it's ridiculously expensive, and I know you're a money saver. So, would Erika come back with you or would she stay longer? My sister is always talking about moving out there to get a job and be closer to all my Persian family members, so if you both ended up there, that would certainly be convenient for vising reasons. Of course, you'd need to plan to be on the same side of the state, since from top to bottom can be like driving from SC to NJ. Seattle would be awesome too.
Good luck! I just signed the lease to my new apartment, so I'll let you know if my pros/cons list worked.
See you soon, I hope!
I like that Eldar...when the shtf. Such a funny abbreviation, but I know exactly what you meant.
I vote for Athens, GA. We can start a Sparta club and try to take over the town. These modern Athenians will never see it coming!
Come on, it's been almost two weeks; how about a saying goodbye to work blog?????
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