I know I'm being a bit dramatic about all this but I am going to miss this place. The people here made my experience so much fun and the clients I got to help really opened up my eyes to some international issues I might not otherwise have learned about. I'll definitely miss this place.
I've put some pictures up of the office I work in. I had to send an essay and some pics of me "in action" back to the Human Rights Group who gave me a small stipend to do this internship. I didn't really know what they meant by "in action" so I just took some obviously posed pictures with the help of my colleagues. Here they are:
Here is a picture of me looking intently at a file with my coworker:

These fake "pointing at words on a sheet of paper" shots are great

Another intent look from me. I love the fact that Tseguy is smiling directly at the camera when I am clearly concerned with an African Team email that is being written.

It's because T knows he's so cute, Curly. Mom
He is cute...I agree.
Well, Bren, you definitely look like you're "in action," that's for sure!
By the way, your concentration-face is exactly like Gabriel's. Ya'll must be 50% genetically similar (my jokes have gotten worse and worse since I've been in vet school). Sorry! Soon, I'll have to join the nerd club...eek!
If I had a computer like they do in the movies, I would digitally enhance & enlarge that second to last image to see exactly what word you guys were pointing to. I bet it was "Fugue".
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